Wet Blue Steer hides Origin Argentina - Leather, leather stocklots and leather scraps from Italy - Salted hides & skins, wet blue.

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Wet Blue Steer hides Origin Argentina

RAW skins > Wet Blue > Cattle hides

Wet blue steer hides
origin Argentina

full substance – unsplitted
Avg. size ap. 45 sqft. 
Size range ap. 40 – 54 sqft.
Selection TR 1
Each container loads 1000 hides

- all European breeds
- weight in wb app. 24 Kg
- no humps
- app. 80 % without brands
- thickness app. 4 – 6,5 mm
- no thicks
- no grubs
- only 5 % can have few light scratches

Email: info@italian-fashion.it
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