Wet Blue cattle hides, Origin Ukraine - Leather, leather stocklots and leather scraps from Italy - Salted hides & skins, wet blue.

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Wet Blue cattle hides, Origin Ukraine

RAW skins > Wet Blue > Cattle hides

Wet Blue Cattle hides (Cow/Bull) hides
Origin Ukraine
Suitable for shoes, furniture, automotive
Available quantity 10000-20000 m2 (square meters) per month

Bull A 25% B 35% C 40%
Cow A 15% B 35% C 50%

Size 2,5-3,3 m2; 3,3-3,8 m2; 3,8 and more
Thickness:2 to 5 mm
Location Lviv, Ukraine
Packing on plastic pallets, 100-120 skins each one

Email: info@italian-fashion.it
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