Information about donkey hides, origin Africa - Wet salted hides & skins.

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Information about donkey hides, origin Africa

WS Donkey hides > About donkey hides
We have here some general information about African donkey hides:

Donkey hides can be delivered in 3 different conditions ....

- air dried
- dry salted
- and wet salted

We have and can supply on monthly base all these types.

The typical avg. weight for African wet salted donkey hides is app. 7,75 – 8 Kg. The only country where the donkey animals are bigger in size and heavier in weight is Egypt. There is the avg. weigt in wet salted app. 9,25 Kg. The dry salted donkey hides from Egypt are app. 6 Kg, because of less liquide.

Air dried donkey hides (like Burkina Faso / Togo) have an avg. weight of app. 2,8 Kg. These hides are NOT salted. After killing/slaughterhing, the fresh hides will be dried mainly outside of warehouses. The air blow then dry. They lost the whole liquide. That´s the reason of this less weight of app. 2,8 Kg.

Some newbies among buyers are concerned since they cannot understand this big difference. The difference is not relevant; all depends on the way used to preserve the hides. Every place has different possibilities. In any case, the most important to say is that THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE for producing eijao. It can be used any system to preserve the donkey hides. A good producer has no problems in restoring the hides at their original freshness.
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