Which origin of donkey hides is the best to buy? - Leather, leather stocklots and leather scraps from Italy - Salted hides & skins, wet blue.

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Which origin of donkey hides is the best to buy?

Articoli > Articoli clonati > 4 (Donkey hides)
Which origin of donkey hides is more suitable?

Obviously depends on the use of the donkey hides. If the final use is for chinese medical purposes there is no difference in the origin. Origin is normally important in fashion industry since it must be known how did the animal live, in which conditions, and how probably its skin will be. Surface of the skin is much better if the animal lived in a cold country and inside a building. Anyway, this is very rare for donkey hides, which production is mainly from poor countries.

IN SOUTH AMERICAN ORIGIN donkey hides are a little bit different in breed, since they are used to live in high altitude. Anyway, if you are not an expert of these breeds you might confuse the real donkeys with, for example, mules or similar.

OUR SUGGESTION IS: for fashion purposes we recommend the South America origin, for medical purposes any african origin. Anyway, the recent explosion of donkey hides demand for medical purposes from China has made the donkey hides price so high that they are already out of market for fashion purposes.

Since donkey hides have become important in chinese health industry in recent years their price and their demand literally explosed. So for a donkey hides purchaser is very important to have the right information and to know where and how to move. Our company can assist the buyer in all these steps.


Email: info@italian-fashion.it
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