Origin Spain - Wet salted goat skins - Leather, leather stocklots and leather scraps from Italy - Salted hides & skins, wet blue.

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Origin Spain - Wet salted goat skins

RAW skins > Wet Salted > Goat skins

Wetsalted goat skins
Spanish origin
Average size app. 7 sqft.
Size range 5 – 8,5 sqft.
selection TR
1 container with 12 500 pieces


Wet salted goat skins 
Spanish origin
av. size app. 8,5 sqft. 
Weight range 7 – 11 sqft.
Selection 100 % A
3 containers with each 13 000 pieces

- shipped in reefer container
Email: info@italian-fashion.it
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