Wet Blue Cattle hides Origin Paraguay - Leather, leather stocklots and leather scraps from Italy - Salted hides & skins, wet blue.

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Wet Blue Cattle hides Origin Paraguay

RAW skins > Wet Blue > Cattle hides

Wet blue cattle hides
origin Paraguay

* Cow Hides (wet blue) bovine, drained
* Country of origin Paraguay, Asuncion.
* Preferred use, size and substance:
                16-18 split leather; 18-20 for Clothing and upholstery;
                                                   20-22 for Choe
* The selection 40-43 ft.2 average and improving.
* Rating: TR1 (A) 20%, TR2 (B) 35%, TR3 (C) 35% TR4 (D) 5%, TR5 (E) 5%
* Mode preuba one 20 "second covenant.
* PACKING: plastic pallets, 125 und. whole skins each.
preferred currency USD U.S. Dollars.

Pieles de vaca (wet blue) bobino, escurrido
* Pais de origen Paraguay, Asuncion.
* uso preferido, tamaño y sustancia:
                cuero divido 16-18; 18-20 para vestimenta y tapizado;
                                                   20-22 para zapateria
* la seleccion promedio 40 a 43 ft.2  y mejorando .
* clasificación: TR1 (A) 20%, TR2 (B) 35%, TR3 (C) 35% TR4(D) 5%, TR5(E) 5%
* modo de preuba un contenedor de 20" segun pacto.
* EMPAQUE:  palets de plástico, 125 und. pieles  enteras en cada uno.
moneda preferido USD dolares americanos .

Email: info@italian-fashion.it
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